1、 堵漏水裂缝及孔洞:AQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
应配制防水胶泥,凝结时间 40 秒左右,用手压入缝(洞)中,待其凝固后松手即可。AQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
2 、五层防水抹面AQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
第一层素灰一遍,水泥:水:防水剂为 1:0. 3 ~ 0.35:0.01 ,要先抹素灰一道 1 ㎜厚,用铁抹子压 5 ~ 6 次,随即用素灰找平约 1 ㎜厚,然后用毛刷蘸水,按顺序刷匀,立即做第二层。AQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
第二层的配合比,水泥:水:砂防水剂为 1 : 0.4 ~ 0.5:2 ~ 2.5:0.01 ,均匀抹一层约厚 5 ㎜,用苕帚扫成条纹,隔 24 小时后,再做第三层。AQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
第三层素灰压一道厚 2 ㎜,配合比同第一层。AQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
第四层同第二层,但抹后不扫毛,抹后 3 ~ 4 小时用铁抹子压 2 ~ 3 遍,待吃水后,还有点潮湿,但不粘手,即可做第五遍。AQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
第五层刷素灰层一道厚 1 ㎜,配合比同第一层,刷时要均匀,吃水后,再用铁抹子压 3 ~ 4 遍。AQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
注意事项: AQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
1 、第一遍基层应事先清理干净,如有凸凹不平,应事先处理,防止起鼓。AQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
2 、每道不得留有明显接缝。AQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
Waterproof Set AcceleratorAQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
The waterproof set accelerator enables concrete to set fast ; the duration for setting is controllable , from scores of seconds to several minutes, which is determined by the quantity of the agent added thereto. The cement mortar or neat cement paste to which the agent has been mixed possesses a rather strong adhesion to bricks, concrete , which can be used for wall surface , floor leakage and water proofing.AQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
Application : AQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
1 、 Caulking the leaky cracks & holesAQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
Waterproof mastic is to be mixed , the setting time of which is about 40 seconds . Use the hand to press the mixture into the crack or hole, aIlow the mixture to set before releasing the hand .AQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
2 、 Five-layer waterproof trowelled surfaceAQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
For the first layer of neat cement paste . the ratio of mix of cement . water .& waterproof agent should be 1:0 3 ~ 0.35: 0.01 A 1 mm thick layer of such neat cement paste must be applied first , pressed with a trowel for 5 or 6 times , and then leveled with the paste to a thickness of 1 mm : use a b rush which has been dipped in water to brush the surface until it becomes even ; and then set out to do the second layer at once .AQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
For the second course . the ratio of cement . water . sand & waterproof agent is to be 1:0. 4 ~ 0.5:2 ~ 2.5:0.01 ; a uniform layer of such an admixture should be applied to a thickness of 5 mm . and broom b rushed into strips ; allow it to set for 24 hours before doing the third layer .AQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
For the third course , the ratio of mix is the same as that for the first layer and the thickness of neat cement paste is to be 2 mmAQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
For the fourth course , the ratio of mix is the same as that for the second layer , however , no broom-brushing is to be made , instead , allow it to set for 3 to 4 hours and then use the trowel to press it for 2 or 3 times , wait for the surface to dry up a bit , but is still moist , yet not sticky, before the fifth layer can be started .AQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
The fifth course is to be finished with a l mm thick layer of neat cement paste , its ratio of mix being the same as that for the first layer ; the application should be even , wait for the area to dry up a bit . and then use the trowel to press it for 3 or 4 times .AQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
Caution : AQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
1 、 For the base course , the area should be cleaned up , and the uneven spots treated . To avoid swellsAQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维
2 、 No apparent joint should be left for each course of application .AQm灌浆料厂家_高强无收缩灌浆料_北京固维